I recently wrote an article submitted to AAOA’s Rent Magazine on using AI (Artificial Intelligence), like ChatGPT, as a virtual assistant to improve landlord-tenant communications.  While researching for this article, I played a lot in ChatGPT around concepts of how best to use it to optimize short-form messages, like email.  In that article, I was not able to use a great deal of the interesting outputs that ChatGPT was able to generate for me, but I wanted to make these examples available to the PropTech community and those we serve.

This Post is organized into 4 sections:

  1. Using ChatGPT to help a new user learn how to optimize its use. In other words, using the AI to tell us how best to use the AI.
  2. Exploring different Tones of Voice that would benefit landlords and PMs in communicating with tenants.
  3. Example output messages for two different communication scenarios:
  4. Notice to a tenant who is persistently late with rent payments and
  5. Informing a tenant about unexpected delays in resolving a maintenance issue.
  6. Direct Comparison of different ChatGPT outputs for the same message

A quick note to help you follow the pile of content in this posting. In the sections below:

  • Text highlighted, bold, and italics are Prompts that I, as a user, typed into ChatGPT
  • within ChatGPT responses text in block quotes are the output sample messages for use.

Also, I precede all user input prompts with User: and all ChatGPT responses with ChatGPT:. So feel free to use your browser's search function ([CNTL] F) to search for “User:” to just jump to each prompt to find ones of interest to you.

(If you are not interested in what these AI tools are and how they are made, just skip this next quasi-technical bit.)

As a quick overview for those who don’t understand what AI-powered ChatBots are, let's talk briefly about what makes them tick.  This form of AI is based on two simple concepts: Natural Language Processing (i.e., the ability to parse and interpret natural human spoken and typed language) and a learning system that allows the AI engine to break down a huge amount of content (we are talking about billions of pieces of text and writing) to find common patterns and concepts.  The AI is “trained” by allowing it access to this huge pile of content, and it forms its own “understanding” of how the vocabulary in its language model relates to the concepts it sees in the writing. It then builds its own enormous database, defining how all of the stuff is related together.  It is not magic, just A LOT of brute force learning with some finessing by the programmers to optimize its capabilities.

OK, let's jump right in and see what ChatGPT can do for our communications with tenants.

Using ChatGPT to Help Use ChatGPT


I am going to have you help write some email communications to my tenants.  In order to help me do this what information will you want me to provide to you?


To assist you effectively in writing email communications to your tenants, it would be helpful to have the following information:

  1. Purpose of the Email: Clearly specify the main reason for the communication. For example, is it about maintenance issues, lease renewals, policy changes, rent reminders, or other notices?
  2. Specific Details of the Issue or Topic: Provide all relevant details about the subject of the email. For maintenance, include what needs fixing and any relevant history. For policy changes or lease renewals, detail what exactly is changing or being renewed.
  3. Tenant's History or Background: If relevant, include any specific history or background with the tenant that might affect how the message should be crafted. For instance, if they have a history of late payments or have previously reported maintenance issues.
  4. Desired Outcome or Action: Clarify what you want the tenant to do after reading the email. This could be paying rent, responding to a survey, reporting back on an issue, etc.
  5. Tone of the Email: Indicate the tone you wish to convey. Should the email be formal and professional, friendly and casual, firm yet polite, or empathetic and understanding?
  6. Any Legal or Compliance Notes: If there are legal points or compliance issues that need to be included (like specific lease terms or legal notices), please mention these.
  7. Deadline or Urgency: If there’s a specific deadline for a response or action, include this so it can be clearly communicated in the email.
  8. Your Contact Information: Confirm how you want to be contacted for any follow-ups, whether by email, phone, or another method.
  9. Additional Context: Any other information that might be relevant or helpful in crafting the message, such as upcoming events, seasonal reminders, or community updates.

With this information, I can help you draft clear, effective, and appropriate email communications tailored to your specific needs and tenant situations.



Write up an instruction manual about how a landlord could do get ChatGPT to generate a wide variety of communication sample emails for a given situation.  Please be explicit in terms of:

- the prompts that should be used

- the information that should be provided

- any parameters that should be set, and

- samples of the exact commands that should be issued to ChatGPT to make it all happen.



To assist landlords in leveraging ChatGPT for crafting varied communication samples tailored to different tenant scenarios.


Collect key details about your communication needs:

  • Issue at Hand: Describe the tenant issue (e.g., late rent payments, maintenance requests).
  • Tenant History: Note any relevant past behaviors or interactions.
  • Current Situation: Detail the urgency or stage of the issue (e.g., first reminder, final warning).
  • Desired Outcome: Clarify what you wish to achieve with the communication (e.g., prompt payment, acknowledgment of rules).

Crafting Effective Prompts:

  1. Initial Description Prompt: Provide a concise overview of the situation, including the issue, tenant history, current stage, and desired outcome.

Example: "Create a message for a tenant regarding [Issue]. The tenant has [Past Behavior]. Currently, it's the [Situation Stage], and I aim to achieve [Desired Outcome]."

  1. Tone Selection Prompt: Request ChatGPT to suggest and use different appropriate tones for the situation. Specify if you want a range of tones.

Example: "Suggest and use 3-5 different appropriate tones to create multiple versions of this message."

  1. Adjustment Request: If needed, ask for modifications in language style or complexity.

Example: "Please modify these messages to be more conversational and suitable for an 8th-grade reading level."

Setting Parameters:

  • Variety in Tone: Emphasize the need for multiple tones (e.g., professional, empathetic, assertive).
  • Complexity Level: Indicate if a simpler language is required.
  • Message Length: Specify short or detailed messages as per your need.
  • Number of Versions: Ask for 3-5 different versions to have options.

Sample Commands for Optimal ChatGPT Performance:

Initial Request:

Generate a message for a tenant about late rent. The tenant has been confrontational in the past. This is a second notice, with eviction as a potential consequence. I need this to be clear and result in timely rent payment. Please create 3-5 versions in different appropriate tones.

Tone Variation and Simplification:

Can you provide these messages in a range of tones like professional, empathetic, and firm? Also, adjust them to be conversational and easy to understand, like for an 8th-grade reading level.

Request for Additional Variations:

Please add two more message versions, one in a reassuring tone and another in a straightforward, informative style.

Usage Tips:

  • Detail is Key: The more specific you are about the situation and desired outcome, the more tailored the responses will be.
  • Explore Tones: Different tenants and situations may respond better to different communication styles.
  • Iterative Process: Use the feedback loop to refine the messages until they meet your needs.
  • Legal Compliance: Always ensure that the final messages adhere to relevant landlord-tenant laws and regulations.

By following these guidelines, landlords can effectively use ChatGPT to create a diverse range of communication samples, each with a different tone, to address various tenant scenarios effectively.



If I were a landlord writing emails to my tenants to address behaviors that need correction, what details/information would you want outlined before we start to optimize the value and quality of the output?


To optimize the value and quality of the output for emails addressing tenant behaviors that need correction, it would be helpful to have the following details outlined:

  • Specific Behavior or Issue: Clearly define the behavior or issue that needs to be addressed. For example, late rent payments, noise complaints, unauthorized occupants, etc.
  • Tenant's History and Context: Provide any relevant background information about the tenant and the history of the issue. For instance, is this a first-time occurrence, or has it happened before? Understanding the frequency and severity of the behavior can influence the tone and content of the email.
  • Lease Agreement References: Highlight specific clauses or sections in the lease agreement that pertain to the behavior in question. This reinforces the legitimacy of your concerns and provides a clear contractual basis for your communication.
  • Desired Outcome: Clarify what you want to achieve with the email. Do you want the tenant to stop a certain behavior, make amends for damage, pay a fine, or simply be aware of a violation?
  • Tone Preference: Indicate the tone you wish to convey. This could range from firm and formal to understanding and empathetic, depending on the situation and your relationship with the tenant.
  • Any Legal Considerations: If there are legal implications (like potential eviction or fines), mention these. It’s important to ensure that any communication complies with local laws and regulations.
  • Possible Solutions or Next Steps: If applicable, think about any solutions or next steps you want to propose. For example, setting up a meeting, suggesting a payment plan, or outlining corrective actions.
  • Deadline for Response or Action: If you expect or require a response or action by a certain date, specify this deadline.
  • Your Contact Information: Ensure the tenant knows how to contact you for any follow-ups or discussions.
  • Any Positive Notes: If appropriate, include positive remarks about the tenant or aspects of their tenancy to balance the negative feedback and maintain a constructive relationship.

Having these details will enable the creation of a well-informed, clear, and effective email tailored to the specific situation and tenant.

Exploring the Tones of Voice for Landlord Messaging.

One of the main reasons for doing this work is to help landlords find ideas and suggestions for improving their communications with tenants.  One of the best mechanisms for exploring writing ideas is looking at alternative Tones of Voice for the same intended message content. Looking at these alternative interpretations of the same message, and particularly seeing tones that one may not be familiar with or use regularly, can lead to a lot of insights and new ideas.

How to start exploring these? Like everything a great start is simply to ask ChatGPT to help:


If I were a landlord requesting help writing short-form messages to my tenants about had topics like late rent, notice violations, property damage, etc which tones would you recommend and why


For landlords writing short-form messages to tenants about sensitive topics like late rent, notice violations, and property damage, the recommended tones are:

  1. Professional and Respectful: This tone ensures that the communication remains formal and business-like, which is crucial in maintaining a professional relationship between landlord and tenant. It helps in conveying the seriousness of the issue without being overly harsh.
  2. Clear and Direct: Clarity is key in these communications. Tenants need to understand exactly what the issue is, what is expected of them, and any potential consequences. A direct tone avoids misunderstandings and ensures that the message is not lost in overly diplomatic language.
  3. Firm yet Empathetic: While it's important to be firm, especially in matters like late rent or property damage, showing empathy can help in maintaining a positive landlord-tenant relationship. This balance ensures that while the tenants understand the gravity of the situation, they also feel that their circumstances are being considered.
  4. Solution-Oriented: Instead of focusing solely on the problem, incorporating a solution-oriented tone can be helpful. This might involve suggesting payment plans for late rent or discussing ways to rectify property damage. It shows tenants that you are willing to work with them to find a resolution.
  5. Informative: Especially in the case of notice violations or legal matters, it's important to provide tenants with the necessary information about their rights and responsibilities. This tone ensures that the tenant is fully informed about the situation and the legalities involved.

Using these tones, landlords can effectively communicate with their tenants about difficult topics in a way that is clear, professional, and maintains a positive relationship. This approach not only addresses the immediate issue but also fosters a respectful and cooperative environment for future interactions.

Generating Messages with ChatGPT

Now that we have asked ChatGPT to help us understand how best to exploit its ability to help us write messages let's try out some commands to see what we get. We will also work with the AI engine to show how to issue commands to work with the AI to revise the messages output.

Let’s look at two different use cases. The first is a more difficult message to write where we have to confront a tenant about serious behaviors that could lead to eviction, and the second is where we, the landlord, need to make some accommodations to a tenant's concerns.  Specifically, we have chosen these two cases:

  1. A tenant is consistently paying rent late, in direct violation of their lease
  2. The resolution of an appropriate maintenance request from a tenant has been delayed

Example 1: Generate a message to a tenant about consistently late rent.


I am a landlord. Please help me write a sample email to a tenant:

- Issue being addressed: repeated late rent violations.

- Notes on past tenant behavior: Tenant can be belligerent when confronted.

- context: This is the second notice I am sending and further violations will lead to serious repercussions like the termination of their lease

- desired result from correspondence: 1. tenant fully understands that further violations will result in eviction, 2. rent gets paid on time in the future

Please write me at least 3 different copies of this using the type of tones or voices that would get me the best results.  Please identify the type of voice or tone used for each example.


Certainly, here are three different versions of a message to your tenant regarding repeated late rent violations, each employing a different tone:

1. Professional and Direct

Tone: Professional and Direct


Subject: Urgent: Second Notice Regarding Late Rent Payments
Dear [Tenant's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. This letter serves as a formal second notice regarding the recurring issue of late rent payments. As per our lease agreement, rent is due on the [specific date] of each month. Unfortunately, I have noted that your payments have consistently been delayed.
It is imperative to understand that further violations of our rent agreement will lead to serious consequences, including the potential termination of your lease. This action is not something I wish to pursue, but it is a necessary step to maintain the terms of our agreement.
I urge you to ensure that future payments are made on time. Timely rent payments are crucial for the smooth management of the property and to avoid any unnecessary legal actions.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Should you have any concerns or wish to discuss a possible solution, please feel free to contact me.
[Your Name]

2. Firm yet Empathetic

Tone: Firm yet Empathetic


Subject: Important: Addressing Your Late Rent Payments
Hello [Tenant's Name],
I hope you are doing well. I am writing to discuss a concern that has arisen again. It has come to my attention that your rent payments have been consistently late, despite our previous conversation on this matter.
I understand that there may be circumstances that can cause delays, and I am more than willing to discuss these with you. However, it is crucial for the sustainability of our rental agreement that rent is paid on time. Continuous late payments are a breach of our lease terms and could lead to serious actions, including eviction.
I am hopeful that we can resolve this issue amicably. Timely rent payment is essential for the ongoing maintenance and management of the property. Please reach out to me to discuss any issues you might be facing or to talk about potential solutions.
Looking forward to your cooperation.
Best regards,
[Your Name]

3. Clear and Solution-Oriented

Tone: Clear and Solution-Oriented


Subject: Action Required: Late Rent Payment Notice
Dear [Tenant's Name],
This email is to address an ongoing concern regarding your rent payments. As you are aware, rent is due on the [specific date] each month. However, it has been observed that your payments have not been meeting this deadline.
Please be aware that this is a serious matter. Continued failure to pay rent on time may result in the termination of your lease agreement. To avoid this, I would like to offer any assistance or discuss possible payment arrangements that could help in ensuring timely payments.
Your prompt action in rectifying this situation is crucial. Rent punctuality is not only a contractual obligation but also vital for the efficient operation of our rental agreement.
I appreciate your attention to this matter and am open to any suggestions you might have to resolve this issue.
Kind regards,
[Your Name]
Each of these messages is tailored to convey the seriousness of the situation while offering a tone that is either direct, empathetic, or solution-oriented, depending on the approach you believe will be most effective with your tenant.

Example 1 - Revised: Rewrite - Change to 8th Grade reading level, use a more conversational tone.


Please rewrite the messages but make them a little more conversational and less formal.  In addition, please rewrite them to be no more than 8th grade level text.


Certainly, I'll adjust the messages to be more conversational and simpler, suitable for an 8th-grade reading level:

1. Professional and Direct (Simplified)

Tone: Professional and Direct


Subject: Need to Talk About Late Rent Again
Hi [Tenant's Name],
Hope you're doing okay. I need to talk to you again about your rent being late. Our agreement says rent should be paid by the [specific date] each month. But, I've noticed it's been late a few times.
It's really important to understand that if this keeps happening, it could lead to big problems, like having to end our lease agreement. I don't want that, but it's something I might have to do.
Please try to pay your rent on time from now on. It helps everything run smoothly. If you want to talk about this or need help with something, just let me know.
Thanks for looking into this.
[Your Name]

2. Firm yet Empathetic (Simplified)

Tone: Firm yet Empathetic


Subject: Let's Sort Out the Rent Issue
Hey [Tenant's Name],
I hope things are good with you. I'm writing because your rent has been late again. We talked about this before, remember?
I get that sometimes things come up that can make paying on time hard. I'm here to talk if you need to. But it's really important for our agreement that rent is paid when it's due. If it keeps being late, it could lead to serious steps, like eviction.
I'm sure we can work this out together. Paying rent on time is important for keeping everything going well. Feel free to reach out if there's something on your mind or if you need help.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Take care,
[Your Name]

3. Clear and Solution-Oriented (Simplified)

Tone: Clear and Solution-Oriented


Subject: Quick Chat About Your Rent
Hi [Tenant's Name],
I need to talk to you about your rent being late. You know it's supposed to be paid by the [specific date] each month, right? But it's been late a few times.
This is serious. If rent keeps being late, I might have to end our lease. I don't want to do that. So, let's figure out a way to make sure your rent is on time. Maybe there's a way I can help?
Getting your rent on time is really important. It's part of our deal and helps keep everything running right.
Thanks for taking care of this. If you have any ideas or need to talk, just let me know.
All the best,
[Your Name]

Example 1 - Revised: Rewrite - Keep 8th Grade reading level, but go back to a more formal tone.


Please rewrite, removing the more conversational tone, i.e., going back to the more formal tone of the original output from this thread.  Keep the 8th grade level, though.


Certainly! Here are the messages rewritten in a more formal tone while maintaining an 8th-grade reading level:

1. Professional and Direct (Simplified)

Tone: Professional and Direct


Subject: Immediate Attention Required: Late Rent Payment
Dear [Tenant's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address the issue of your rent payments being consistently late. According to our lease agreement, rent is due by the [specific date] of each month. However, this has not been adhered to recently.
Please be aware that continuous late payments are a serious matter and could lead to the termination of your lease agreement. It is important that future rent payments are made promptly as agreed.
Should you have any concerns or require assistance, please feel free to contact me. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated.
[Your Name]

2. Firm yet Empathetic (Simplified)

Tone: Firm yet Empathetic


Subject: Concern Regarding Late Rent Payments
Dear [Tenant's Name],
I hope you are in good health. This letter is to bring to your attention the recurring issue of late rent payments. We have previously discussed the importance of timely payments as per our lease agreement.
I understand there may be challenges that lead to delays. However, it is crucial to adhere to the agreed payment schedule. Continued late payments may result in significant consequences, including potential eviction.
I am open to discussing any difficulties you may be facing. Timely rent payment is essential for the effective management of the property. Your cooperation in this matter is highly valued.
Kind regards,
[Your Name]

3. Clear and Solution-Oriented (Simplified)

Tone: Clear and Solution-Oriented


Subject: Action Required: Resolution of Late Rent Payments
Dear [Tenant's Name],
I am writing to express concern regarding the late payment of rent. As per our agreement, rent is expected to be paid by the [specific date] each month. This has not been consistently observed.
It is important to address this issue promptly. Continued failure to pay rent on time may necessitate the termination of the lease agreement. I am willing to discuss any possible solutions or assistance that might facilitate timely payments.
Your immediate action in resolving this situation is crucial. Adherence to our rent agreement is important for the smooth operation of our rental arrangement.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
[Your Name]

These messages retain a formal tone while being written at an 8th-grade reading level, ensuring clarity and professionalism in communication.

Example 2: Delayed resolution of maintenance request.

Notice within the first part of the prompt below how the first thing we do is give ChatGPT a “label” for this output. If you are handling multiple related messages in a single chat session, this is a great way to handle revisions, and other changes or merging of multiple outputs.  You can use this label in later prompts and ChatGPT will know exactly what you are referring to.


Lets start a new set of sample messages (we will call these the "2nd set") with the following parameters:

Author: Landlord

Audience: Tenants

Issue communication is dealing with: Delays with maintenance request to fix hole in the dry wall

History and Context: the request is 2 weeks old, the hole is an eye-sore, but does not impede the livability of the unit.  Normally requests are dealt with within 1 week.

Main Point: Having trouble scheduling a vendor to handle the issue

Desired Outcome: Will have it resolved by the end of next week.


Based on the provided parameters, here are three sample messages for the "2nd set," addressing the delay in maintenance for fixing a hole in the drywall:

Sample 1: Professional and Informative

Tone: Professional and Informative


Subject: Update on Your Maintenance Request for Drywall Repair
Dear Tenant,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to provide an update regarding the maintenance request for the drywall repair in your unit, which was reported two weeks ago.
I understand that the hole in the drywall, while not affecting the livability of your unit, is an inconvenience and an eyesore. Under normal circumstances, such maintenance requests are addressed within a week. However, we are currently experiencing some challenges in scheduling a suitable vendor to handle this specific repair.
I want to assure you that resolving this issue remains a top priority. We are actively working to secure a reliable vendor and anticipate having the repair completed by the end of next week. I appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this unexpected delay.
Should you have any further concerns or questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out. Your comfort and satisfaction are important to us, and we are committed to ensuring that your living environment is maintained to the highest standard.
Thank you for your continued patience.
[Your Name]

Sample 2: Empathetic and Reassuring

Tone: Empathetic and Reassuring


Subject: Your Drywall Repair: Update and Next Steps
Hello [Tenant's Name],
I hope you're doing well. I wanted to reach out personally regarding the drywall repair in your apartment. I realize it's been two weeks since your request, and I understand that the delay can be frustrating, especially since we usually address such issues more quickly.
I want to assure you that we haven't forgotten about your request. We're currently facing some scheduling difficulties with our maintenance vendors, which is causing this delay. However, I'm on top of it and am doing everything possible to expedite the process.
The good news is that we're close to finalizing arrangements with
a skilled vendor, and we're targeting to have the repair done by the end of next week. I truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this.
If there's anything else you need or if you have any concerns, please feel free to let me know. Your comfort in your home is our priority.
Best regards,
[Your Name]

Sample 3: Clear and Direct

Tone: Clear and Direct


Subject: Status Update on Maintenance Request for Drywall
Dear [Tenant's Name],
I am writing to update you on the status of your maintenance request concerning the drywall repair in your unit. It has been brought to my attention that this request, now two weeks old, has yet to be addressed. Normally, such requests are resolved within a week, and I apologize for the delay.
The delay is due to current difficulties in scheduling an appropriate vendor for this task. Please be assured that we are making every effort to resolve this issue promptly. We expect to have the repair completed by the end of next week.
I understand that this may be an inconvenience and I appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this matter. If you have any additional concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your understanding.
[Your Name]

Each message is formatted to highlight the tone and content, providing clear and distinct communication styles for addressing the maintenance delay with tenants.

Direct Comparison of the Outputs

For the output from ChatGPT for the first example, persistent late rent, lets look at just on of the tones it recommended: Professional and Direct. For this we want to see how the various rewrites looks so for each of the major concepts of the message we  will directly compare:

  1. Initial Output
  2. Rewrite to 8th Grade Conversational
  3. Rewrite to 8th Grade More Formal.

To simplify comparisons, we will break each of the outputs into 3 parts that ChatGPT seems to have written into every output message:

  1. Introduction
  2. The main discussion and resolution
  3. The sign off

The Introductory Part

Initial Output:

Subject: Urgent: Second Notice Regarding Late Rent Payments
Dear [Tenant's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. This letter serves as a formal second notice regarding the recurring issue of late rent payments. As per our lease agreement, rent is due on the [specific date] of each month. Unfortunately, I have noted that your payments have consistently been delayed.

Rewrite to 8th grade and conversational:

Subject: Need to Talk About Late Rent Again
Hi [Tenant's Name],
Hope you're doing okay. I need to talk to you again about your rent being late. Our agreement says rent should be paid by the [specific date] each month. But, I've noticed it's been late a few times.

Rewrite to 8th grade and more formal:

Subject: Immediate Attention Required: Late Rent Payment
Dear [Tenant's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address the issue of your rent payments being consistently late. According to our lease agreement, rent is due by the [specific date] of each month. However, this has not been adhered to recently.

The Main Element:

Initial Output:

It is imperative to understand that further violations of our rent agreement will lead to serious consequences, including the potential termination of your lease. This action is not something I wish to pursue, but it is a necessary step to maintain the terms of our agreement.
I urge you to ensure that future payments are made on time. Timely rent payments are crucial for the smooth management of the property and to avoid any unnecessary legal actions.

Rewrite to 8th grade and conversational:

It's really important to understand that if this keeps happening, it could lead to big problems, like having to end our lease agreement. I don't want that, but it's something I might have to do.
Please try to pay your rent on time from now on. It helps everything run smoothly. If you want to talk about this or need help with something, just let me know.

Rewrite to 8th grade and more formal:

Please be aware that continuous late payments are a serious matter and could lead to the termination of your lease agreement. It is important that future rent payments are made promptly as agreed.

The Sign Off

Initial Output:

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Should you have any concerns or wish to discuss a possible solution, please feel free to contact me.
[Your Name]

Rewrite to 8th grade and conversational:

Thanks for looking into this.
[Your Name]

Rewrite to 8th grade and more formal:

Should you have any concerns or require assistance, please feel free to contact me. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated.
[Your Name]

And there you have it all.  I hope you found this excursion into using ChatGPT for helping write messages valuable.